Community Code of Conduct

At SOBRIETY OF THE SOUL, we are dedicated to fostering a safe, welcoming, and conscious community.

To ensure a positive experience for all members, including course participants, teachers, staff, consultants, employees, and anyone else engaging with our community, we require everyone to agree and adhere to this Code of Conduct.

Our community is a compassionate, safe, and honest space for growth and thriving, and it is essential that all community members actively contribute to maintaining this environment.

While our community is filled with empowering and heart-centered individuals who genuinely care about each other, we also recognize that we have all been shaped by a world marred by trauma and harmful systems of oppression. It is vital that we collectively acknowledge the impact of these systems on us and our behavior, and actively work to identify and eliminate them in a self-responsible manner.

Creating a safe community also means taking full responsibility for our actions and their impact on others, regardless of our intent. We understand that we may unconsciously perpetuate harmful patterns, and part of our journey is to create safety for everyone, especially those from traditionally marginalized groups, while holding space for compassionate transformation and integration of socialized conditioning that may cause harm.

We acknowledge that these are challenging questions, and we are committed to continuously exploring and improving our guidelines for community safety. We are here to support you throughout the program, and if you ever need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can create a space where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

Creating a Safe and Inclusive Community

At Sobriety of the Soul, we are dedicated to cultivating a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for everyone in our community. Our commitment is to foster an environment where personal growth and transformation can flourish, free from harm and judgment.

Addressing Harm and Promoting Growth

Should any community member inadvertently cause harm or violate someone else's safety, we are here to work with you, understanding the underlying cause and supporting your integration process. Our collective journey toward healing and growth allows us to transcend the harmful patterns of the past, creating a reality that is increasingly compassionate and liberating.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

Our community is a place where all individuals can participate without fear of discrimination or exclusion. Regardless of your background, we welcome you with open arms. Our guidelines support the creation of a community where diversity is celebrated, and all voices are heard and respected.

A Community for All

We embrace individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of:

• Sex

• Sexual Orientation

• Race/Ethnicity

• National Origin/Ancestry

• Color

• Age

• Gender Identity or Expression

• Personal Appearance

• Different Abilities in Body or Nervous System

• Height/Weight

• Marital Status

• Religion/Faith

• Veteran Status

• Level of Education

• Socio-Economic Status

• Vocation

• Geographic Location

• Any Other Dimension of Diversity Where This Code Applies

Guidelines for Behavior

Our code of conduct outlines the behavior expectations for all members across our various activities, both online and offline, including but not limited to:

• On Sobriety of the Soul property

• In Sobriety of the Soul or Sobriety of the Soul-sponsored programs or activities

• Working virtually with other community members

• Representing Sobriety of the Soul at public events

• Engaging with Sobriety of the Soul on social media

• Participating in retreats, off-sites, and training

• Involvement in Sobriety of the Soul's mailing lists, websites, chat channels, online groups, social media, and correspondence

Extending Impact Beyond Our Community

While this code of conduct is specifically designed for Sobriety of the Soul community members, we acknowledge that actions taken outside of our online or in-person spaces can have a profound impact on community health. We remain committed to addressing any actions that aim to harass or harm a Sobriety of the Soul community member, even if they occur outside of our official channels.

Together, we uphold these principles and create a community where each member can embark on a transformative journey of healing, growth, and connection. Thank you for contributing to the safety and wellbeing of our shared space.

Our Standards of Respectful Behavior

At Sobriety of the Soul, we cherish a community built on respect, empathy, and understanding. To ensure a safe and supportive environment for everyone, we kindly request all community members to adhere to the following standards of behavior:

Embrace Authenticity: Show up as your true self and encourage others to do the same.

Inclusive Language: Use language that welcomes and includes all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds.

Consideration and Respect: Express your thoughts and opinions with consideration and respect for others' feelings.

Value Diversity: Embrace diverse ideas, styles, viewpoints, and experiences with an open mind.

Humility and Openness: Be open to new possibilities and recognize the potential to learn from others.

Awareness of Impact: Be mindful of how your interactions may affect others, and approach intense discussions with care.

Taking Responsibility: Acknowledge your impact and take responsibility for any mistakes, ensuring you listen, apologize, and correct your behavior when necessary.

Empathy and Compassion: Show empathy towards fellow community members and their unique journeys.

Focus on Community: Keep the well-being of the community at heart and prioritize its collective growth.

Embracing Constructive Criticism: Gracefully accept constructive criticism, recognizing it as an opportunity for personal growth.

Unacceptable Behavior

To maintain a positive and safe community, we expect all members to refrain from engaging in any of the following problematic behaviors:

Unwelcome Sexual Attention: Repeatedly making unwelcome sexual advances or comments.

Harassment: Engaging in public or private harassment of any kind.

Offensive Comments: Making offensive comments based on gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, physical appearance, pregnancy status, veteran status, political affiliation, marital status, body size, age, race, national origin, ethnic origin, nationality, immigration status, language, religion or lack thereof, or any other identity marker, including anti-Indigenous/Nativeness and antiBlackness.

Trolling and Insults: Deliberately trolling, insulting, or attacking others personally or politically.

Epithets and Slurs: Using insults, slurs, negative stereotyping, or similar conduct towards others.

Publishing Private Information: Sharing others' private information without explicit permission.

Threats of Violence: Verbally or nonverbally threatening violence towards anyone.

Physical Violence: Engaging in any form of physical violence.

Intimidation or Bullying: Intentionally intimidating or bullying others.

Outing Without Consent: Deliberately "outing" any aspect of a person's identity without their consent, except when necessary to protect vulnerable individuals from intentional abuse.

Challenging Self-Identity: Questioning or challenging someone's stated self-identity or chosen labels, even if they differ from your own views.

Refusal to Use Pronouns: Refusing to use a person's stated pronouns.

Other Inappropriate Conduct: Engaging in any conduct that could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.

By adhering to these guidelines, we create a nurturing space where each community member can feel valued, heard, and respected. Let's stand together in building a supportive community for everyone.

Building Awareness of Bias

At Sobriety of the Soul, we recognize that many of us have been shaped by socialized messaging around various topics, leading to unconscious and conscious biases. It's crucial to explore and bring awareness to these biases as part of our commitment to creating a safe, inclusive, and compassionate community.

Take a moment to reflect on your initial thoughts, feelings, or sensations in response to the following scenarios:

A loud, outrageous person

An uninhibited, sexually expressive woman

Someone who consciously chooses to be a sex worker

Someone who is gender fluid

These automatic responses are a result of socialized beliefs, not innate thoughts. They were ingrained in us to feel loved, accepted, and safe within our original community. By approaching these thoughts with curiosity and mindfulness, we can bring unconscious beliefs into consciousness. This empowers us to make informed choices and fosters a greater sense of safety and inclusivity for all.

Unconscious beliefs can sometimes lead to the expression of microaggressions—everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental actions that may unintentionally communicate discriminatory messages, particularly targeting marginalized groups based on factors such as sexuality, religious beliefs, and race.

Understanding bias is essential, and it's important to remember that bias is a natural aspect of the human brain. Our brains process an overwhelming amount of information every moment, so unconscious biases help streamline and filter what is deemed relevant. However, at Sobriety of the Soul, we believe that awareness of bias is the key to promoting understanding and compassion.

As community members, we encourage you to explore and examine your existing beliefs and patterns of behavior. Consider the biases you may hold and recognize the impact they have on your communication with others. Embracing this awareness allows us to cultivate a more inclusive and respectful environment for everyone. Together, we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, growth, and mutual support.

Enforcement and Reporting

At Sobriety of the Soul, we are dedicated to maintaining a safe and inclusive community for all participants. We take issues of harassment or concerns seriously and encourage open communication to address any problematic behavior.

If you experience or witness harassment, or if you have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to:

Vanessa Crites:

Consequences of Problematic Behavior

In response to any instances of problematic behavior, Team Sobriety of the Soul reserves the right to take appropriate action. Our goal is to maintain a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive.

Actions may include:

• Providing feedback to community members regarding their behavior, helping them understand what's required to uphold this community's values and any necessary repair with other members.

• Moderating or removing written content, including posts on social media, that does not align with our Code of Conduct.

We expect that if any community member is asked to stop problematic behavior, they will comply immediately.


Should you believe that you have been falsely or unfairly accused of violating our Code of Conduct, we encourage you to communicate your grievance to Vanessa Crites at Your concerns will be handled with respect and in accordance with our existing governing policies. Our commitment to fairness and transparency ensures that we address any appeals with utmost care and consideration.

Together, we strive to foster a community where each individual feels respected, valued, and supported throughout their transformative journey with Sobriety of the Soul. Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to our shared values.


Vanessa Crites, Vanessa Crites Consulting, LLC., her associates and the contents of this website and any information offered in courses/consultations/sessions do not in any way encourage or condone the use, purchase, sale, or transfer of any illegal substances, nor do they encourage or condone partaking in any unlawful activities or offer medical advice. We support a harm reduction approach for the purpose of education and promoting individual and public safety. If you are choosing to use psychedelic substances, please do so responsibly.

© Copyright 2023, Vanessa Crites Consulting, LLC. All Rights Reserved.